Saturday, April 4, 2009

Radiosity lightmapping and new Renderer design

Hello everybody,
is a long time since my last post. I was busy at work and in some ideas for my engine, that are still in a primordial stage.

After being fascinated by the Radiosity Normal Mapping Technique by Valve, I've decided to try the way of a lightmapper. I know it's something difficult, but being something I've never do, I want to give it a try!

The result is a good bunch of links about radiosity and lightmapping in this thread I've opened (here I am JorenJoestar) on Gamedev:

Also here there are some more informations for radiosity on GPU.

In the meantime I'm designing a new Renderer that it's really flexible. There are still some shadows on the design, so I've came up opening a post on gamedev to receive some critics and some ideas. I've decided to give it a "submission date" after which I'll begin the coding: it's annoying to be stucked with all the things I have to do!

More on that soon...

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