Friday, December 18, 2009

Math library; Core Engine development;

Even if I am not coding really fast, I'm studying different topics in which I find really different 'formae mentis': this is really fascinating!

Actually I written a non-template version of my math library, with some basic support for SSE/VMX code: premature optimization is the root of all evil.
So I'm moving forward to implement other core part of Hydra: camera, input and debug output!
Actually the camera is almost done, with all the code (like plane extraction, frustum vertex in world/view-space) working, the input is almost done and I'm writing the implementation of a directx9-based renderer, that will be used right now only for debug graphics to test that everything with maths works!

Also, I bumped in the Function Pointers World...really fascinating, with simple code that can make you skip some branch to choose what to do on different situations and have some performance gains...
I'll try to use them in the core part of the engine, to avoid virtual keyword and to skip some branches; this engine is not a commercial-one, so I am free to experiment everything keep my attention!

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