Finally I've made skinning!
This is a small video that shows the skinning with an FBX model! I'm satisfied for that, even if it costs me too much time due to the lack of documentation as of FBX...
But now I understood (with many trials and errors) the way to retrieve animation data, skeleton, meshes and material informations.
Next step it will be a big overall change of the engine in all its parts, because I've seen the current architecture is quite messy and it is not organized in a way I like.
This iteration of the engine, as already mentioned, is intended to cover all the aspect of an engine, and not only rendering (as my previous 2 engines).
Stay tuned for more informations!
hey, i've seen your working on FBX and i'm wondering if you can give me some time on working on FBX as I just starting to discover the FBX SDK and having a hard time working on it. I wonder if you can add me in msn/yahoo messenger (my email = so i can explain more about my problem. I'll explain briefly about my work here
I'm working on an openGL game (my final year project) that let players to venture into space and stuffs and i plan to design my world like real world where there are space, the earth is round and we can enter/exit the planet's orbit without keep entering loading screen.
what i done currently:
1: rotation calculation (for player to turn around and stuffs)
2: movement
and still got 2 more parts to be done:
1: animation <- i'm stucked here because i dont really understand the FBX SDK as their documentation is only hanging halfway
2: collision using octree
any reply will be appriciated. thanks
Hi Panzer!
If you want, try to download the code from there:
this is my base, almost everything is covered here!
Basically you have to export 3 things for animations:
1) BindPose
2) Bone weights and indices for each vertex;
3) Animation data (for each take, a take is an animation)
So basically you have
1) for each bone a bindpose
2) for each vertex bone weights and indices
3) for each take the animation data of each bone!
Hope it you want me to send you my code? :)
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