Monday, January 9, 2012

Position reconstruction from depth (3)

Hi guys,
just wanted to share the code I've used to study the position reconstruction problem.
This code lets you switch easly between linear depth and post-projection depth, and I'll show also a way to check if the reconstruction is correct.
Following is the code to convert between Camera/View space to PostProjection space and viceversa.

// This must be done on the CPU and passed to shaders:
float2 getProjParams()
float rangeInv = 1 / (gFar - gNear);
float A = -(gFar + gNear) * rangeInv;
float B = -2 * gFar * gNear * rangeInv;
#else // We get rid of the minus by just inverting the denominator (faster):
float rangeInv = 1 / (gNear - gFar);
float A = (gFar + gNear) * rangeInv;
float B = 2 * gFar * gNear * rangeInv;

return float2(A, B);

// Input: 0..-far - Output: -1..1
float postDepthFromViewDepth( float depthVS )
float2 projParams = getProjParams();

// Zn = (A * Ze + B) / -Ze
// Zn = -A - (B/Ze)
float depthPS = -projParams.x - (projParams.y / depthVS);

return depthPS;

// Input: -1..1 - Output: 0..-far
float viewDepthFromPostDepth( float depthPS )
float2 projParams = getProjParams();

// Ze = -B / (Zn + A)
float depthVS = -projParams.y / (projParams.x + depthPS);

return depthVS;

Next I'll show some helper functions to encode/decode the depth in different spaces.


// Returns post-projection depth
float decodeProjDepth( float2 uv )
return tex2D( depthMap, uv ).r;

// Returns viewspace depth from projection (negative for left-handed)
float decodeViewDepthFromProjection( float2 uv )
float depthPS = decodeProjDepth( uv );
return viewDepthFromPostDepth( depthPS );;

// Returns depth in range 0..1
float decodeLinearDepthFromProjection( float2 uv )
float depthVS = decodeViewDepthFromProjection( uv );
// Left handed coords needs the minus,
// because the depth is negative
// and we are converting towards 0..1 domain
return -depthVS / gFar;

// Returns post-projection depth
float encodePostProjectionDepth( float depthViewSpace )
return postDepthFromViewDepth( depthViewSpace );


// Returns stored linear depth (0..1)
float decodeLinearDepthRaw( float2 uv )
return tex2D( depthMap, uv ).r;

// Returns viewspace depth (0..-far)
float decodeViewDepthFromLinear( float2 uv )
return decodeLinearDepthRaw( uv ) * -gFar;

// Returns linear depth from left-handed viewspace depth (0..-far)
float encodeDepthLinear( float depthViewSpace )
return -depthViewSpace / gFar;

With simple defines we can control and switch between using a linear depth or a post-projection (raw) depth buffer to check that our calculations are fine:

#define encodeDepth encodeDepthLinear
#define decodeViewDepth decodeViewDepthFromLinear
#define decodeLinearDepth decodeLinearDepthRaw
#define encodeDepth encodePostProjectionDepth
#define decodeViewDepth decodeViewDepthFromProjection
#define decodeLinearDepth decodeLinearDepthFromProjection

Now all the reconstruction methods, both the slow and the one that uses rays:

// View-space position
float3 getPositionVS( float2 uv )
float depthVS = decodeLinearDepth(uv);

//float4 positionPS = float4((uv.x-0.5) * 2, (0.5-uv.y) * 2, 1, 1);
float4 positionPS = float4( (uv - 0.5) * float2(2, -2), 1, 1 );
float4 ray = mul( gProjI, positionPS ); /= ray.w;
return * depthVS * gFar;

float3 getPositionVS( float2 uv, float3 ray )
float depthLin = decodeLinearDepth(uv);

return * depthLin;

float3 getPositionWS( float2 uv )
float3 positionVS = getPositionVS( uv );
float4 positionWS = mul( gViewI, float4(positionVS, 1) );

float3 getPositionWS( float2 uv, float3 viewDirectionWS )
float depthVS = decodeViewDepth(uv);
#if defined(METHOD1)
// Super-slow method ( 2 matrix-matrix mul )
float4 pps = mul( gProj, float4(getPositionVS( uv ), 1) );
float4 positionWS = mul( gViewProjI, pps );
positionWS /= positionWS.w;

#elif defined(METHOD2)

// Known working slow method
float3 positionWS = getPositionWS( uv );
#else return positionWS .xyz;

// Super fast method
viewDirectionWS = normalize(;

float3 zAxis = gView._31_32_33;
float zScale = dot( zAxis, viewDirectionWS );
float3 positionWS = getCameraPosition() + viewDirectionWS * depthVS / zScale;

return positionWS;
#endif // METHOD1,2,3

Last but not least, I'll show you the code to encode the depth and perform a simple calculation to understand if we've done right:

// This is only with an educational purpose,
// so that we can switch towards storing
// viewspace or postprojection depth.
// In the GBuffer creation, the depth stored like this:

depth = float4( encodeDepth(IN.positionViewSpace.z), 1, 1, 1);

// A very cheap and easy way to detect if
// we've worked correctly is to add a
// point-light and light a bit more
// the rendering with something like:

float4 lightPos = mul( gView, float4(100.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) );
float3 pixelPos = getPositionVS( uv, viewDirVS );
float4 lightPos = float4(100.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
float3 pixelPos = getPositionWS( uv, viewDirWS );

Note the different rays, viewDirVS and viewDirWS. They are calculated as MJP showed a lot of time and two different ways, one for meshes and the other for fullscreen quads.
I think that's all for now, I'll attach a screenshot of the simple test I've used to test the reconstruciton. Note that the light is the same in all the conditions, view/world space reconstruction, linear/postprojection depth storage.

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