Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Rendering Architecture (2)

Hi guys,
a simple follow up about the very low-level architecture I'm using in the latest months, after having a look at DirectX 11.
In the context of rendering, we can assume that every time we render we know exactly which type of renderer (DX9, DX11, LibGCM, X360, ... ) we are using: we don't want to switch renderer on the fly, and on consoles this is impossible to do.
So starting with this in mind, we know and want that in the executable we will build there will be only one renderer.
This can be achieved with a dll/lib in a different projects as you prefer, but the bit I want to talk about is the RenderInterface.
First of all, what is a RenderInterface?
We have another context parameter: we know that during the rendering phase of our game, we need to provide three main informations to the graphics card and they are
  1. Geometry informations
  2. Shading informations
  3. Render states

and we set those informations in various way, for example on DX/X360 we use Set*** command and Draw*** to issue the drawcall.

The geometry informations are relative to vertex buffer, vertex format/declaration and index buffer; the shading ones are the various shaders (depending on the API, vertex, fragment, geometry,...) and the informations to be used by the shaders (constants and textures); the render states are the all the other informations, like render targets, depth/stencil, alpha blending, so all the configurable states that are grouped in directx 10 and 11.

The render interface thus is splitted in two: a RenderContext, that sets all the informations to issue drawcalls only and draws, and the RenderDevice that manage the creation, destruction and mapping/unmapping of low level graphic resources.

This division permit to easly divide what is "deferrable" to what not, so if you want to create your own command buffer or use the DX11 one (good luck) than you already know that the RenderContext is the right guy to call.

Every object that can be renderable will have a render method that will take pass the RenderContext around, so that it can set the data for the draw calls.

The real catch is to use the curiously recursive template pattern to create the interface for both the RenderContext and the RenderDevice, and create the different implementations for each platforms: even though you need to typedef the specific template implementation, you can assume (see above) that for each target you have only ONE type for the RenderContext implementation (RenderContext) alive and thus you can use it.

The methods called in the API-dependent class can be all protected so that you enforce the interface, and inlining all the calls in the RenderContext class will map a call of your render context to a direct call of the method, thus avoiding virtuals and with "static polymorphism".

Even though on PC is not a cost, on consoles ( I really suggest you to try, if you can ) is a bad hit (especially on ps3) to call virtual functions a LOT of times, but let's try to figure out the numbers:

if you have 1000 draw-calls, probably you'll have 4 or 5 RenderContext calls (SetVertexBuffer, SetIndexBuffer, SetVertexShader,SetPixelShader,SetConstants,SetVertexFormats, DrawIndexed, ...) for each draw-call, thus having 4000-5000 virtual calls for each frame. So you end up having 4000-5000 cache misses per frame and all without any apparent reason, and the cost of cache misses on varying, but can be from 40 to 600 cycles for each call.

How many cycles are we wasting?

With this system, you have a common interface and no virtuals. No silver bullet, but the problem to find a solution requires a correct definition of the constraints...


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