Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Secret of Mana

Yes...I want to know the Secret of Mana.
Long time ago...there was two special games. One was The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, and another one was Secret of Mana (I don't want to mention Chrono Trigger...I'll do it in another post).
What's about SoM? I really enjoyed it, playing with my best friend and sometimes with my sister...all in realtime? What?
Great story, great ambientation...and great gameplay. The weapons you found and the spell you learn grow with the usage. The fights are in realtime, the AI can control the other in the party or you can play together.
One of my greatest dream is to create a game like that for some console one day...with the beautiful music and all the magic that Secret of Mana has.

But now the mana is weak...and later games fail in public reception.
One day, I'll forge a new Mana and all will be good for the Universe...

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